Explore Germany Vocational Training Program
MEA License Number: Delhi/Company/5817722/2023

Training and Counselling Services Agreement

This Agreement is executed as per the date mentioned on the enrolment form at New Delhi, by and between:

M/s Genrise Global Staffing Private Limited, a company duly incorporated under the Indian Companies Act, 1956,having its registered office at 10, Masjid Moth, Greater Kailash-2, New Delhi – 110048, hereinafter referred to as



The Candidate, whose details are provided in the duly signed enrolment form by him/her and who has accepted the terms and conditions of the agreement and agreed to the scope of services by signing the commercial annexure specific to their chosen program (hereinafter referred to as "Candidate").


A. Genrise is engaged in providing skill development, training, guidance, and necessary support to Indian candidates to pursue their careers abroad.

B. The Candidate has approached Genrise for the requisite training and career guidance to pursue a career overseas.

1. About the Program

GENRISE provides counselling, guidance and necessary training including but not limited to the foreign languagetraining, special exam training, mock exams, domain training, behavioral training, essay writing, motivation letterwriting, and documentation process guidance to the aspiring candidates.

a. Language Training: Specialized foreign language training up to the requisite proficiency level, monitoredby experts. Candidates will also receive exam preparation classes, mock exams, and proficiencyevaluations.

b. Domain Training: Candidates will receive basic domain-specific training in their field of interest,including behavioural attributes training and skills needed for career progression.

c. Job/Course Application Assistance: Guidance on the application process, including CV preparation,translation, motivation essay writing, and assistance in applying to various institutes abroad.

d. Program Enrolled & Scope of Services: As per the details outlined in the signed Annexure by thecandidate.

e. Training and Counselling Services Fees – Candidate agrees to pay the fees as mentioned in the dulysigned commercial annexure for the scope of services defined in this agreement. Payments will beaccepted through RTGS/NEFT/Electronic Transfer/Demand Draft payable at New Delhi in the name of“Genrise Global Staffing Private Limited” only.

f. Third Party Expenses - Any third-party expenses such as exam fees to the apex exam conducting body,third party document translation, attestation or authentication are excluded from the Genrise Programfees. Candidates understand these charges are independent of the scope of services and must be paid bythem directly to the third party as and when they become due.

2. Refund Policy

a. The candidate will not be entitled or eligible for any refund of the fee paid by him if he / she leaves theprogram due to any reason at any moment of time. The candidate is liable to pay full fee beforecommencement of the specified milestone.

b. The candidate will not be entitled or eligible for any refund of the fee paid by him if the documentssubmitted are found to be forged and/or incomplete.

c. The candidate will not be entitled or eligible for any refund of the fee paid by him if he/she avails theservices and is not willing to apply for course/job in the foreign country.

d. The candidate will not be entitled or eligible for any refund of the fee paid by him if after the completionof foreign language and cultural training, he /she does not clears the required foreign language exam.

e. No refund will be applicable if a candidate does not get a visa due to any including but not limited tocriminal background / medical condition / incomplete documents / non-availability of passport /rejection by embassy etc.

f. The organisation reserves the right to change the fee or the policy guidelines for any program as deemedfit at any time. The fee applicable at the time of payment of Registration Amount by the candidate willbe levied.

g. In case candidate is not able to clear the GENRISE internal assessments/exams or Goethe levelassessment, they shall not be promoted to next level of the language training. In such a scenario,candidates shall have the option to avail refresher/ bridge level wise language course on payment basis.Cost of such refresher/ bridge courses shall be additional to Genrise fees as agreed and shall becommunicated separately to the candidates before commencement of those courses.

h. Genrise shall not be liable for failures to fulfill its duties in situations beyond its control, such as a forcemajeure, pandemics such as COVID 19 and/or similar events, strikes, changes in Indian or foreigncountry laws related to the vocational training. In case of such an event, all the fees shall be refunded tothe candidate except the training fees paid for the Language training.

3. Admission

a. Admission to a program depends upon fulfilling the eligibility criteria for that particular program.

b. Admission to any program is non-transferable to any other individual.

c. It is the sole responsibility of the candidate to keep updating the information provided at the time ofadmission to GENRISE. This includes the correspondence/mailing address, phone number, and e-mail ID.

4. Enrolment Form

a. An admission is deemed to be complete only if the enrolment form is duly filled, a photograph isattached, and the form is signed by the candidate/guardian.

b. Filling up of the enrolment form by a person other than the candidate is not desirable. In case someoneelse is filling up the form on behalf of the candidate, it is preferred that the person is the guardian. Thecandidate is required to attest the guardian’s signature before starting the course.

5. Attendance

a. In order to achieve the desired progress, it is mandatory for a candidate to attend classes regularly. It isimperative that every candidate has at least 75% attendance during the entire duration of the program.

b. If a candidate needs to take leave for a specific period for a genuine reason, he/she needs to inform thefaculty and GENRISE accordingly through an e-mail.

c. Adjustments for the sessions can be made before leave is taken, so that the candidate does not end upmissing any part of the course. If any candidate is absent without notice for 7 consecutive sessions, themanagement reserves the right to take his/her name off the rolls.

d. In case of irregular attendance, the respective parent/guardian might be informed; and for those whoare short of attendance without any valid reason, the management reserves the right to debar themfrom the rest of the program.

6. Batch Allocation Rules

The batch allocation policy ensures a fair, transparent, and efficient assignment of canddiates tobatches based on availability, academic level, and preferences while maintaining an optimal learningenvironment.

a. Batch Allocation Criteria

Students will be allocated to batches based on the following factors:

• Enrollment Date / Application Order – First-come, first-served basis unless otherwise specified.

• Academic Performance / Entrance Test Scores – Certain batches (e.g., advanced or fast-track)may require merit-based allocation.

• Student Preferences – Consideration of preferred time slots (morning, afternoon, evening)based on seat availability.• Course Selection – Batches are assigned according to the subjects, difficulty levels, and durationof the course chosen.

• Batch Capacity – Each batch has a fixed seat limit; once full, students will be placed in the nextavailable batch.

• Special Considerations – Adjustments for students requiring disability accommodations orflexible schedules.

b. Batch Size & Limits

Minimum and maximum batch size is predefined for each course.If a batch has low enrollment, it may be merged with another batch or rescheduled.Overcrowding beyond the batch limit is strictly prohibited to ensure a high-quality learning experience.

c. Late Enrolment & Batch Transfers

Late enrolments will be allocated to existing batches only if seats are available.Batch change requests will be considered under the following conditions:

-A valid reason is provided (e.g., health issues, time conflicts, relocation).

-The request is submitted before the batch change deadline (e.g., within the first two weeks).

The requested batch has available seats.Batch transfer fee may apply in some cases.

d. Priority Batch Allocation

Certain students may receive priority allocation, such as:

-Merit-based students (scholarship holders, top scorers).

-Repeating students who need revision batches.

-Students with urgent exam preparation needs (e.g., crash courses).

e. Attendance & Batch Retention

Students must maintain the minimum attendance requirement (e.g., 75%) to retain their batchplacement.Failure to meet attendance criteria may result in:

-Reallocation to another batch with different timing.

-Denial of access to certain coaching resources.

f. Non-Compliance & Cancellations

If a candidate misses multiple classes without prior notice, we may:

-Reassign the seat to another candidate.

-Deny further batch transfers.

-Apply penalties as per the institute's refund/cancellation policy.

g. Amendments & Policy Updates

Genrise Global Staffing reserves the right to modify batch allocation rules based on academic and operational needs. Any changes will be communicated to students in advance.

7. Class Discipline

Every faculty will play the role of a friend and mentor; and not a strict disciplinarian. However, in order tomake the course fruitful for all candidates, basics of discipline, such as punctuality and order, need to bemaintained.

8. Late Fee Payment Terms

a) Fee Structure

All fees for services provided must be paid in accordance with the agreed terms as outlined in theagreement. Fees are due on the specified due date as indicated on the agreement.

b) Payment Terms

Payments must be made in full on or before the specified due date as mentioned in the agreement.Accepted payment methods include UPI/RTGS/NEFT/Credit Card/Debit Card/Cheque.

c) Late Payment Policy

In the event that payment is not received by the due date, the following late payment clauses will apply:

a. Grace Period : A grace period of five (5) days will be provided from the due date. No penaltieswill be applied during this period.

b. Late Payment Penalties : If payment is not received after the grace period, a late payment feewill be applied as follows:

i. A flat fee of Rs.100 (Rupees one hundred only) per day from the day the grace period is over tillthe day the due fees is paid or ten (10) days whichever is earlier.

ii. A flat fee of Rs.200 (Rupees Two Hundred only) per day from the sixteenth (16th) day till thetwenty fifth (25th) day.

d) Suspension of Services

Services may be suspended if the account remains unpaid for more than twenty five (25) days (5 daygrace period plus 20 days additional period) after the due date. Genrise Global Staffing Pvt Ltd furtherreserves the right to terminate the agreement if payment is not received within five (5) days of servicesuspension.

e) Payment Disputes

If a payment dispute arises, the candidate must notify in writing at info@genrise.in within three (3) daysof the fee due date as mentioned in the agreement. Disputed amounts will not be subject to latepayment fees until the dispute is resolved.

f) Payment Arrangements

In case of financial difficulties, candidates are encouraged to write a mail at info@genrise.in with allsupporting documents to discuss alternative payment arrangements. These arrangements are subject toapproval on case to case basis and must be documented in writing.

g) Legal Action

Genrise Global Staffing Private Limited reserves the right to pursue legal action to recover outstandingbalances, including court costs and attorney fees.

h) Amendments

Genrise Global Staffing Private Limited reserves the right to amend this fee policy at any time. Enrolledcanddiates will be notified of any changes in writing.

9. Validity of Agreement

The agreement shall be valid for one year or till the training and counselling services to the candidate are notcompleted by Genrise, whichever is earlier and may be extended further with mutual understanding. In caseof pre-termination of the agreement for any valid reason, GENRISE is not liable to refund any amount paidby the candidate.

10. Settlement of Disputes

The parties shall put all their endeavours towards settling the disputes and differences amicably. In case offailure to resolve the disputes amicably, the same shall be referred to arbitration in accordance with theprovisions of International Council of Alternate Dispute Resolution (AICADR). Seat of arbitration shall be inNew Delhi and Courts of Delhi would have exclusive jurisdiction and language shall be in English.

Declaration: The candidate hereby declares and acknowledges that he/she has read and agrees to all the terms andconditions listed above, with the duly signed commercial annexure.

Annexure A– Scope of Services for Ausbildung

Candidates has opted to pursue (Dual Degree - Ausbildung Program)in Germany and GENRISE shall providefollowing services to the Candidates:

a. Detailed overview of the vocational studies in Germany. Know-how/process to apply for vocationalcourses in Germany

b. Extensive German Language training up-to B1/B2 level over 7-8 months duration.

c. Periodic review of their performance in German Language Training highlighting strengths and weaknessof each candidate.

d. One to one doubt clearing session from the experts on request basis.

e. In house Assessment test at completion of each completed level of German Language.

f. Special Goethe Institute B1 exam preparatory classes in post completion of Language Training.

g. Minimum 2 mock Goethe B1 level exam tests.

h. Basic domain training to candidates in the areas of their interest in Vocational Training Course.

i. Behavioral attributes training with respect to domain chosen.

j. CV preparation as per German acceptable standards including translation in German Language.

k. Preparing motivation essays for applying to the German Institute.

l. Documentation assistance for applying to the Institutes including the education certificate translation inGerman Language.

Responsibilities of CANDIDATE: -

To undergo requisite training of German Language and cultural training It is the responsibility of candidate toattend and successfully complete the training course and acquire B1 level certification by passing externalGerman Language test. In case of failure in B1 examination, candidate understands the fact that they can’tapply for vocational courses in Germany.

To successfully complete the online-interview with representatives from the company in German language.

To provide all the information with respect to documentation, testimonials in accurate manner, any false information may hinder the application process.

To fulfil the formal conditions related to the visa process as stated by the German visa authorities.

To complete and present documentary proof of all necessary vaccines for travel to Germany

To present a valid and recent character certificate issued by the Indian police authorities.

Force Majeure

In no event shall Genrise be responsible or liable for any failure or delay in fulfilling or performing any term ofthis Agreement, if such failure or delay is caused by or results from acts beyond control including a) acts ofnature b) flood, fire, earthquake, natural calamities, pandemics c) war, invasion, riot or other civil unrest d)action by any governmental authority, change in laws or regulations. In case of any force majeure thisAgreement may stand suspended until such Force Majeure event has passed.

 Annexure B– Scope of Services for Registered Nurse

Candidates has opted to pursue language training and counseling for Registered Nurse program applicable forGermany and GENRISE shall provide following services to the Candidates:

a. Detailed overview of the Registered Nurse Job in Germany and know-how/process to apply forRegistered Nurse Job in Germany

b. Extensive German Language training up-to B1/B2 level over 7-10 months duration.

c. Periodic review of their performance in German Language Training highlighting strengths and weaknessof each candidate.

d. One to one doubt clearing session from the experts on request basis.

e. In house Assessment test at completion of each completed level of German Language.

f. Special Goethe Institute B2 exam preparatory classes in post completion of Language Training.

g. Minimum 2 mock Goethe B2 level exam testsh.

h. Basic domain training to candidates in the areas of their interest in Vocational Training Course.

i. Behavioral attributes training with respect to domain chosen..

j. CV preparation as per German acceptable standards including translation in German Language.

k. Preparing motivation essays for applying to the German Institute.

l. Documentation assistance for applying to the Job including the education certificate translation inGerman Language.

Responsibilities of CANDIDATE: -

To undergo requisite training of German Language and cultural training It is the responsibility of candidate toattend and successfully complete the training course and acquire B2 level certification by passing externalGerman Language test. In case of failure in B2 examination, candidate understands the fact that they can’tapply for Registered Nurse Job in Germany.

To provide all the information with respect to documentation, testimonials in accurate manner, any falseinformation may hinder the application process.

Force Majeure

In no event shall Genrise be responsible or liable for any failure or delay in fulfilling or performing any term ofthis Agreement, if such failure or delay is caused by or results from acts beyond control including a) acts ofnature b) flood, fire, earthquake, natural calamities, pandemics c) war, invasion, riot or other civil unrest d)action by any governmental authority, change in laws or regulations. In case of any force majeure thisAgreement may stand suspended until such Force Majeure event has passed.

Annexure C– Scope of Services for TITP/SSW Japan

Candidates has opted to pursue language training and counseling for Specified Skilled Worker – Care Workerprogram applicable for Japan and GENRISE shall provide following services to the Candidates:

a. Detailed overview of the SSW – Care worker Nurse Job in Japan and know-how/process to apply forCare Worker Job in Japan

b. Extensive Japanese Language training up-to N4 level over 7-10 months duration.

c. Periodic review of their performance in Japanese Language Training highlighting strengths and weaknessof each candidate.

d. One to one doubt clearing session from the experts on request basis.

e. In house Assessment test at completion of each completed level of Japanese Language.

f. Special JLPT/NAT/JFT N4 level exam preparatory classes in post completion of Language Training.

g. Minimum 2 mock JLPT/ NAT/ JFT N4 level exam testsh.

h.Basic domain training to candidates in the areas of their interest in Care Worker.

i. Behavioral attributes training with respect to domain chosen.

j. CV preparation as per Japan acceptable standards including translation in Japanese Language.

k. Documentation assistance for applying to the Job including the education certificate translation inJapanese Language.

Responsibilities of CANDIDATE: -

To undergo requisite training of Japanese Language and cultural training It is the responsibility of candidateto attend and successfully complete the training course and acquire N4 level certification by passing externalJapanese Language test. In case of failure in N4 examination, candidate understands the fact that they can’tapply for Care Worker Job in Japan.

To provide all the information with respect to documentation, testimonials in accurate manner, any falseinformation may hinder the application process.

Force Majeure

In no event shall Genrise be responsible or liable for any failure or delay in fulfilling or performing any term ofthis Agreement, if such failure or delay is caused by or results from acts beyond control including a) acts ofnature b) flood, fire, earthquake, natural calamities, pandemics c) war, invasion, riot or other civil unrest d)action by any governmental authority, change in laws or regulations. In case of any force majeure thisAgreement may stand suspended until such Force Majeure event has passed.